Leading Montessori Preschool in Balmoral

Our Newton campus occupies two whole landed houses in central Singapore with expansive gardens. Surrounded by greenery and ample outdoor space, children here are treated to a wonderful sensory experience of nature’s warm touch and natural discoveries. This open and airy campus is equipped with state-of-the-art teaching aides that help to enhance the traditional Montessori method and values we are committed to.

Leading Montessori Preschool in Balmoral Crescent

Our Newton campus occupies two whole landed houses in central Singapore with expansive gardens. Surrounded by greenery and ample outdoor space, children here are treated to a wonderful sensory experience of nature’s warm touch and natural discoveries. This open and airy campus is equipped with state-of-the-art teaching aides that help to enhance the traditional Montessori method and values we are committed to.

Book Your Tour Today

Join us for our Explore and Play session!

Need to Contact Us

If you need to contact us, please send us an email at: balmoralcrescent@houseonthehill.com.sg or give us a call: 6258 6061

Meet Our Principal

Ms Nurul Fitton

Principal of Balmoral Crescent Center

With her vibrant, friendly and nurturing personality, Nurul brings more than 30 years of experience in Singapore’s early childhood education industry, including over ten years as principal at a Montessori preschool, to the House on the Hill Balmoral team. A passionate and dedicated educator, she counts a Bachelor of Science, Diploma in Early Childhood Education and a Diploma from Modern Montessori International amongst her educational qualification. In her spare time, Nurul enjoys fresh water fishing. An avid catfish angler, her passion for the sport has taken her to different parts of Asia, Europe and the Americas.

Our Location

Balmoral Campus

2H Balmoral Crescent
Singapore 259887

6258 6061

Hear From Our Parents!