What is your favourite memory at House on the Hill?
“Playing big lego with my friends at school.”
Lucas, Graduate 2021
Graduation is a very special time for us at House on the Hill. It feels like it was just yesterday when we welcomed them, unsure of step and of a scary new world. We are always so happy to see how confident, bright and excited our fearless young people are when they leave us, ready to take on new schools and to tackle new challenges!
What will you miss the most from your time at House on the Hill?
“My friends and teachers”
Uta, Graduate 2021
It is a bittersweet time. Our teachers feel joy and satisfaction to see how much our young charges have grown and developed through the years. How far they have come! Many of our charges started as young as 18 months, and so we have journeyed with them for almost 5 years. Their accomplishments are many and they have gained life skills that will serve them well as they grow up. However, we will miss all of them as well!
What was the best part of your experience at House on the Hill?
“It was a joy to see him making so many friends at HoTH”
Faith, mother of Axl, Graduate 2021
We hold graduation ceremonies to mark the milestone of our students moving on to their next level of education. It is a chance for the children to acknowledge this moment in their lifetime, and hopefully will be a happy memory that they keep in their hearts as they grow up. It also aids in the transition to primary school.
What will you miss the most from your time at House on the Hill?
“The feeling of a family”
Giles & Mandari, parents of Louis, Graduate 2021
Graduation ceremonies at House on the Hill are unfortunately hybrid at the moment as a result of COVID-19 measures, and our parents must join us digitally. This is regrettable as our HotH parents have become trusted friends through the years and we are bidding farewell not only to their children, but to them as well. We are grateful that they have put their trust in us and for supporting the work that we do so faithfully. We hope that our HotH families look back at their time together with us fondly in the years to come.
What was the best part of your experience at House on the Hill?
“The teachers and staff members were always in good spirits, even during the trying times of Covid. We also really liked how classes weren’t divided by age, and we noticed Uta develop into a very kind and caring girl, especially now that she has a little baby sister”
Fumi, mother of Uta, Graduate 2021
Dearest graduates, you have worked so hard during your time here. We know that you are ready for the transition to primary school. Montessori teaches independence, kindness, self-discipline, internal motivation, curiosity, cooperation, and many other skills that will help you to smoothly transition and thrive in their new school. Your time in a mixed-age classroom, first learning from the older children and then becoming a guide for the younger ones in class, has equipped you with leadership skills. We are confident that you have the academic skills in Mathematics, Linguistics, Science and Mandarin to tackle anything that is thrown at you!
What was your favourite memory of House on the Hill?
“The last day. It was really emotional for all of us but the whole experience of the past 5 years was so wonderful we couldn’t have imagined a better pre-school experience for him. Sometimes the best things need to come to an end and what we have are moments and memories that we treasure.”
Oliver, father of Kai, Graduate 2021
We send our students off from our nest poised, self-assured and ready to take on the world! We are so excited to see what great things you are all going to achieve! We hope that you grow in self-confidence, continue to be more independent, and become responsible members of a community.
Best of luck, and take care! We will miss you all!