HotH Family Spotlight: Phillip

Life after House on the Hill is an ongoing series where we look back at how the various graduates have been doing! In this article, we look at graduate Phillip and his life in primary school.

Graduate of Year 2019 – Philip

Parent’s Names – Agus and Frida 

1. What did you like about House on the Hill?  

HotH provides opportunities for Philip to learn beyond the curriculum and we feel that HotH have a good environment for learning and great assistance for any obstacles in personal development for Philip. 

2. At any point in Philip’s pre-school years did you have any reservation on how he will cope in Primary/Grade school?  

We always feel confident that Philip will be able to cope his further study in Primary School because HotH has prepared him so well. 

3. Do you think Philip was well prepared for Primary/Grade school in terms of Self Care, Confidence, Curriculum?  


4. How is Philip coping with Primary 1/Grade 1?  

He’s coping very well and sometimes he feels that most of the things he has learned it before in HotH.

5. Your overall experience at House on the Hill.  

It is very good experience and we are very satisfied with the results.

6.   What advice do you have for new parents of House on the Hill?  

We advise all the new parents to believe in your children and enjoy the process of learning in HotH.

This is part of an ongoing series for Life after House on the Hill. Read more about the other graduates here!
