With Christmas just around the corner, it is time to embrace the festive spirit of the season! Christmas crafts are a great way to bond and entertain your little ones while letting them be creative. A fun Christmas craft is the Paper Bag Reindeer.
Tip: do look around and try to find and use any recycled materials available at home to create the craft together.
“The education of a small child, therefore,
does not aim at preparing him for school, but for life.”
Dr. Maria Montessori
This activity will help to develop your child’s creativity and get them to work on their fine motor skills. It also encourages them to be resourceful in using the materials around them to create a meaningful craft. This is a wonderful chance to educate them about how to think of valuable ways to not be wasteful and care for the environment as they grow.

Materials Needed
- Twigs
- Coloured papers
- Scissors
- Bottle Caps
- Marker
- White Glue
- Paper Bag (try to reuse any available paper bags at home!)
Step 1:
Outdoor time! Head outside to look for and collect some nice twigs.

Step 2:
Cut out small circles from the coloured paper. If your child is confident using scissors, feel free to let them do the cutting. Then get them to paste the circles onto the paper bag for the ‘eyes’ of the Reindeer.

Step 3:
Get your child to apply glue and paste the bottle cap onto the paper bag for the ‘nose’ of the Reindeer.

Step 4:
Invite your child to be creative drawing the ‘mouth’ at the bottom of the bottle cap!

Step 5:
Let your child paste the twigs at the upper part of the paper bag as the ‘antlers’.

Step 6:
Take a photo of your child’s Paper Bag Reindeer and proudly share their work with others!

The House on the Hill team would like to take the opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!